Monday, July 11, 2011

Repurposing Disowned Parts

Isn't this just like life today...

I had in front of me a pile of seemingly unrelated stuff - an old heating coil, a bakery hook of some sort, some old earrings, a pile of lace and ribbon,  some disposable clothing...

I looked for a long time at this pile. I squinted hoping to improve my chances of seeing magic in the ordinary.

I saw magic in the ordinary.

I made "Fuscia" and she's a babe!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Process of Upcycling Our Own Parts - How It Works

The Warrior
I'm gonna ask you to take a long look at yourself in the mirror and tell me what you see? If you're like most humans, you probably don't see Julia Roberts or Brad Pitt! If you're a relatively observant, genuine human being, your existential anxt is more likely to show you a few to a bunch of seemingly disconnected, somewhat functionless, sometimes rusty looking parts, intermingled with a couple of nice ones, which may leave you staring at your image, saying "What am I supposed to do with this pile of crap?"

Like the Warrior pictured above, your job is to take your parts, every single one of them, the beautiful, the ugly, the confused and the gifted, take several deep breaths in and out, and attempt to see your parts with new, more affirming, artistic eyes.

Left as a pile of stuff, the Warrior is just an out of date shoe stretcher, something nobody uses anymore, a wretched looking cheese grater that's seen way too many camping trips, an outdated piece of rusted iron from an even more outdated stove, a handful of found beads strung on some old fishing line and a napkin ring someone threw away -  Not by any standards a great ad.

But seen with souleyes, eyes void of judgment and hierarchal rules and regulations, eyes filled of love and acceptance and possibility, Warrior emerges.